La nostra missione
Le mie opere sono create con passione e amore. Quasi tutti i miei pezzi sono color legno naturale, non li dipingo, ma li rifinisco con oli dedicati al tipo di lavoro, o forniture speciali per la finitura del legno. Se vuoi un pezzo d'arte dolomitica in legno non esitare a contattarmi!
Trending Products

Jewelry Boxes
These Jewelry Boxes are unique wooden box!. Design with elegant style. These are perfect for your jewelry, keys, or simply as a magnificent decoration. If you like nature and animals, then it's made for you! Also, they are the perfect gift to celebrate special people!

Kingfisher On Old Wood
This Wooden Kingfisher is can be a good small crafted gift choice for special friends, Bird lovers, or family members, or collect them yourself! Birds are so dear to us and represent memories, places, and people. Our high quality Kingfisher Figures let your loved ones know that they are special to you.
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Epoxy River Tables
These Epoxy River Tables have very eye-catching and stunning designs. These one-of-a-kind looking custom epoxy resin river tables have ever-lasting appeal and give an elegant look to your home. If you're looking for a unique live edge epoxy river dining table and coffee table, these Epoxy Tables are for you.